DSI Fellowship Faculty Spotlight: Sara Connell

Speakers will enjoy greater business success when positioning themselves as influencers/experts in their industry and topic area. Our DSI Fellowship curriculum offers multiple business-oriented courses to help you boost your skills and understanding in this area. This month, DSI highlights faculty member Sara Connell’s course and how it can help you grow your business.

How to Write a Bestselling Book That Changes Lives (in less than 3 months)

If you don’t see the book that you’re seeking on the bookshelves or on the pages of Amazon … It’s because you’re the one to write it.

Sara Connell is a bestselling author and the founder of Thought Leader Academy.  She has been featured on: The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, The View, FOX Chicago, NPR, Katie Couric and TEDx. Her writing has appeared in: The New York Times, Forbes, Good Housekeeping, Parenting and The Bangelore Review. Her first book Bringing In Finn was nominated for ELLE magazine Book of the Year.

Sara guides her clients through her signature 5-Step Thought Leader Framework that will establish and expand your presence as an industry leader — in less than one year. Are you ready to bring your message to the world in a bigger way and FINALLY make the impact you are here to make?


Sara is gifting our Dental Speaker Institute community with a complimentary seat to her How to Write a Bestselling Book That Changes Lives (in less than 3 months) workshop!

Learn more: www.SaraConnell.com (Events)
Questions? Sara.Connell@gmail.com