
Delivering Wow Dental Education
Fort Lauderdale, FL

(786) 200-1499

– Business/Financial
– Case Acceptance
– Communication
– Culture
– Marketing

Anissa Holmes, DMD, FDSI

With a passion for transforming the face of dental education, Dr. Anissa Holmes has established herself as a leading expert in coaching and presentations. Her exceptional skills have earned her numerous invitations to keynote at prominent events like AACD, contribute to dental publications like Dental Economics, and present at top dental meetings and societies. At the helm of Delivering WOW Dental Education, Dr. Holmes and her team of experts work alongside dental practices to help them achieve exponential growth. Their focus is on team transformation, leadership, effective case presentation, schedule and systems optimization, and high-return marketing implementation.

While many coaches aim for multiple six-figure years for their clients, Dr. Holmes sets her sights higher – helping her clients reach multiple six-figure months. With her proven approach and results, she is truly changing the game in the world of dental education.

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