L McBeth


Aurora, CO

(720) 480-1914

- Clinical
- Oral Cancer
- Oral Systemic Connection

Lani McBeth, BSDH

Lani McBeth is a Prevention Strategist, Clinician, Speaker, Author, and
CEO of OWL: The Oral Wellness Link. She attended The University of
Northern Arizona and received her BS in Dental Hygiene. She
continued her education in Dental Hygiene at NAU while receiving her
Licensure as an Expanded Functions Hygienist. Over 900 courses in
advanced learning include education in business development,
medical/dental coding, holistic/biologic dentistry, and nutrition. In
her educational pursuits, she has found a balance in using Western
and Eastern Medicine to find the oral-systemic link. She has used this
expertise to empower her patients to advocate for better whole-body

As a visionary clinician, she uses her knowledge and skills to elevate
patient care from Standard to Stellar daily. With 38 years of clinical
experience, she is now sharing her knowledge and expertise with
professionals worldwide through speaking and writing. She has also
joined colleague Susan Cotten in her Oral Cancer screening
workshops throughout the United States.

Lani is a published author and an active contributor to the dental
community. She has volunteered with the Colorado Dental Hygiene
Association and served on the Arizona Dental Hygiene Association
board. She has also volunteered for The Denver Homeless Head and
Neck Cancer Screening and Care Group.

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